New Arrivals




Ground Washer

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Octaclave Octave Fuzz


Compare to Death By Audio Octave Clang

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Submersible Preamp


Compare to ElectroniX / Zeibek Submarine Bass Guitar Preamp

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Speaker Motivator


Compare to Wampler Talent Booster




Integrated Circuit

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Salesman Overdrive


Compare to Lerxt By-Tor Overdrive


Cosmetic Faceplate

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Special Porpoise Fuzz


Compare to Catalinbread Antichthon Fuzz Tremolo


Germanium Diode

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Synopsis Overdrive


Compare to Cornerstone Gladio (Channel 2)

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Drebbel Bass Preamp/EQ


Compare to Southampton Pedals Ictineo Preamp/EQ

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Skeptical Boost


Compare to 29 Pedals JFET