Showing 101–120 of 172 results


Muffin Man Fuzz


Compare to Stomp Under Foot Utility Muffin


Muffinator Fuzz


Compare to EHX Big Muff Pi

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Mutagen Fuzz


Compare to Basic Audio Fuzz Mutant

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Mystery Machine


Compare to Castledine Magical Mystery Box

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Nugget Fuzz


Compare to Cornish NG-2

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Nutty Fuzz


Compare to Acorn Amplifiers ADHD Synth Fuzz

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Octa Mayer Fuzz


Compare to Roger Mayer Octavia

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Octaclave Octave Fuzz


Compare to Death By Audio Octave Clang

OD / Distortion / Fuzz



Compare to ZVex Jonny Octave

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Octarock Octave


Compare to Foxrox Octron 3

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Octuplet Octave


Analog Octave Up


Compare to Lastgasp Octavella


Pandora’s Box


Compare to Bixonic Expandora

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Panhandle Overdrive


Compare to Ibanez OD-850 Overdrive


Compare to Seppuku Space Fuzz

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Paper Scratcher Fuzz


Compare to EHX Ripped Speaker Fuzz

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Parentheses Fuzz


Compare to EQD Life pedal

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Parentheses Mini Fuzz


Compare to EQD Life pedal

OD / Distortion / Fuzz

Percolation Station


Compare to InterFax Harmonic Percolator


Compare to Frantone Peachfuzz